Jean-Paul Riopelle - Profil d'orage. Profile of a Storm 1956
Profil d'orage. Profile of a Storm 1956
97x162cm oil/canvas
Sold for: USD 1.22 million
Auction house: Christie's, London
Sale date: 27 June 2017
Seller: Private Collection
Buyer: Anonymous buyer
From Christie's, London:
Profil d’orage (Thunderstorm profile) (1956) is a thrilling large-scale composition in Jean-Paul Riopelle’s distinctive abstract idiom, led by his virtuoso application of swathes of paint using a spatula. Mosaic forms and kaleidoscope flashes of colour envelop the viewer in the singular environment of Riopelle’s vision. The work’s title is aptly evocative: myriad branching bars of black and white are held in electric tension with depths of coolly arboreal green, rich blue and pyrotechnic red and orange.