Pablo Picasso - At the Lapin Agile. Au Lapin Agile 1904
At the Lapin Agile. Au Lapin Agile 1904
99x100cm oil/canvas
Location: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Sold for: USD 40.7 million
Auction house: Sotheby's, New York
Sale date: 27 November 1989
Seller: Daughter of Joan Whitney Payson
Buyer: Walter H. Annenberg
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Au Lapin Agile is a 1905 painting by Pablo Picasso. The harlequin is a self-portrait of the artist. The woman represents his lover Germaine Pichot, formerly the obsession of Carlos Casagemas, a friend of Picasso who committed suicide in 1901 because of an unreturned love for Pichot. In 1907 Pichot appeared as one of the models in Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon.[
On November 27, 1989, Walter H. Annenberg bought the painting at auction from the Joan Whitney Payson family for $40.7 million. He gave the painting to the Metropolitan Museum of Art