Willem de Kooning - Untitled XXV 1977
Untitled XXV 1977
195x223cm oil/canvas
Sold for: USD 66.3 million
Auction house: Christie's, New York
Sale date: 15 November 2016
Seller: Anonymous owner
Buyer: Anonymous buyer
From Christie's:
In the spring of 1975, having become absorbed in the making of sculpture, de Kooning found himself once again revelling in the act of painting. Inspired by the watery landscapes near his home in Springs, Long Island, he became increasingly preoccupied with the light and topography of his immediate environment around Louse Point. When he moved to the area, de Kooning observed in 1976, ‘everything seemed self-evident. The space, the light, the trees — I just accepted it without thinking about it much. Now I look around with new eyes. I think it’s all a kind of miracle.’