Gustav Klimt - Bauerngarten.Blumengarten 1907
Bauerngarten.Blumengarten 1907
110x110cm oil/canvas
Sold for: USD 59.0(GBP 47.97) million
Auction house: Sotheby’s, London
Sale date: 1 March 2017
Seller: Anonymous owner
Buyer: Anonymous buyer
From Sotheby’s, London:
Painted in 1907 during the golden period of Klimt’s career, Bauerngarten is a masterpiece of Viennese fin-de-siècle art. This remarkable landscape is rooted in the natural world yet simultaneously reaches towards the symbolic, decorative avant-garde. It is this synthesis of natural beauty and harmonious regularity which lends the work its profoundly moving quality. During the summer months, from 1900 onwards, Klimt travelled out of Vienna to Litzlberg on the Attersee with his friends and family to relax and paint. In the rustic garden of the Mayr-Hof Klimt found inspiration for the present work, with its informal profusion of poppies, daisies, zinnia and roses, and transformed it into a shimmering array of colour.